Cecilia Finch, APRN
Cecilia Finch, APRN, is one of the Pediatric Nurse practitioners at ELP. Heralding from Michigan, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Mercy College of Detroit, now U of D Mercy. She cared for children both in hospital and outpatient settings before moving to Kentucky in 1987. Cecilia obtained her Master’s degree in Nursing from the University of Cincinnati in 1993, and is a nationally certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. As a nurse practitioner, Cecilia enjoys supporting families in raising healthy, happy children. Just prior to coming to ELP, Cecilia worked in the school system, and brings with her a knowledge of how schools manage health issues. Cecilia works primarily in the Crestwood office, but may also be seen on Saturdays at the Westport location. She has been married to her husband John for the past 20 years, and has three sons, a dog and a cat. Cecilia is active in her church, teaching a Kindergarten Sunday school class. She enjoys hiking, skiing, being out in the snow (!), folk dancing, cooking and getting together with friends and family.