(502) 896-8868
Practice Policies
- Please bring your child's insurance card with you at each visit.
- Our phone lines are busiest in the early mornings and after 3:30 during the week. Please be patient and someone will help you as soon as possible.
- If you are calling about a billing question, please call 502-916-3663.
- Our office administrator, Kayla West, is available to help you with any problem you are experiencing with ELP. She would also like to hear if anyone has been extremely helpful to you. Her direct phone number is 502-721-0012.
- We appreciate your patience while on hold. We will answer your call as soon as we can and we will afford you the time necessary to help you.
- A charge of $25 per child may be made if you fail to keep an appointment or do not cancel at least 4 hours in advance so we can give the reserved time to another patient.
- There may be a charge for filling out forms or writing letters in your behalf. The charge is payable in advance.
- The internet provides a vast source of information related to medical issues. Some of the information is extremely worthwhile, and much is bogus and unproven. Be sure you are accessinfg a reliable source for medical information. See our website for links to various pedatric illnesses and conditions.